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Just Google It

Just Google It

This article was first published inThe Northern Daily Leader under the heading, 'Just Google It' on the 17th of March 2012.

How great is the internet? Want to know how many ping pong balls fit in a jumbo? Just google it (around 28 million). Want to know Tony Abbott’s date of birth? Just google it (4 November 1957). Want to know how much the world’s most expensive watch costs? Just google it ($4.7 million). Want to know where the….ok you probably get it by now. It’s almost hard to imagine life without access to all of this amazing information. Though of course much of what you find on the internet is of dubious quality – have a look for when the world will end and you’ll see what I mean (21st of December apparently, so go easy on the Christmas presents this year).


A perfect 10

A perfect 10

This article was first published inThe Northern Daily Leader under the heading, 'A perfect 10' published on 24 December 2011.

It’s a shame there isn’t a World Championship of Fainting, as I’m confident I could win gold for Australia. My most recent example, prompted by a stomach complaint, would certainly have come as close to perfection as Nadia Comaneci’s 10 out of 10 on the uneven bars at the 1976 Summer Olympics. It was a fairly spectacular effort, with all the hallmarks of a great faint – sweating, shivering, mumbling and kryptonite-like weakness.


Fleeting 1st lesson in finance

Fleeting 1st lesson in finance

This article was first published inThe Northern Daily Leader under the heading, 'A kiss from Julia Roberts' on the 26th of November 2011.

Starting early is important not only in education, but also in saving and investing. The earlier you start saving up for something, be it a new car, a nice pair of shoes or your retirement, the more chance you have of reaching your goal. Now we all already know this, so why is it so hard to do? It’s simply a trade-off between immediate and delayed consumption. We all want it now! Having to wait a week, six months or forty years before we get to spend our savings is no good, we want it all now.


QANTAS An Airline Grounded

QANTAS An Airline Grounded

This article was first publihed in The Morning Bulletin dated 05th November 2011. Titled 'QANTAS'

Regardless of variants, Qantas’ domestic operations have always been the driver of Qantas’ profit and that history provides a sound basis against which to test the views of Alan Joyce. Consider now the very strong $A, high fuel prices and vastly increased international competition. Then add a rebranded Virgin, which is showing signs of having all of the quality of the old Ansett, without the inflexible work practices and cost base. Sound like an environment for unrestrained pay increases?


A cut above

A cut above

This article was originally published in The Morning Bulletin in March 2011. Titled What can a financial planner do?

The ongoing nature of financial advising provides the opportunity for continuous financial improvement, whether through investment or through structural means. Like a GP, personal financial professionals will call in expert help when needed, but the primary relationship will be with the generalist.


Ripoll on the water

Ripoll on the water

This article was first publihed in The Morning Bulletin dated 13th March 2010. Titled 'All The Rivers Run'

Despite frequent bad press, financial advisors are going to become more, not less, important to people. The advisors will cover all types of personal finance and act as a hub between accountants, solicitors, Centrelink, superannuation and small business. They will provide broad, tailored advice on all these matters, drawing on particular expertise as required. They will charge a fee for service, based on the workload, for managing these things.


There is nothing fishy here

There is nothing fishy here

This Article was first published in The Morning Bulletin as 'Fees and Fish' dated 29 August 2009.

Paying people to help me sucks. I say every service business should install a fish tank with barra in it – like the one at the show. Paint prices on the fish, and clients can cast a lure. They pay whatever is on their catch. It’s unbiased and fair. Gives those damn professionals something to do with their time too.


Who’s who in the Zoo?

Who’s who in the Zoo?

This article was originally published in The Morning Bulletin on 25th January 2002

General confusion exists as to who does what in personal finance. That’s not surprising, sometimes it seems the industry puts more effort into maintaining obscurity than it does into providing decent product and services.


Understanding your Planner’s fees

Understanding your Planner’s fees

This article was originally published by The Morning Bulletin in June 2005

A seminar attendee recently claimed that financial planners should not charge any up-front fees, but should be rewarded according to the returns they generate. Other people say advisors should not charge ongoing fees, but rather a series of one-off fees, much like a doctor.


Understanding Fees

Understanding Fees

This article was originally published as 'Investment fees can be costly' in The Morning Bulletin in August 2001

Doctors, solicitors and accountants all charge fees and so do financial planners. However, don’t ask a financial planner, “What are your fees?” instead ask, “how much will it cost to set-up and manage my investments?” Just as for a home loan, you need to look at the overall cost. Within any profession quality varies, so you need to look at what you’re getting for your money.